Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Jeremiah 51

Day 51: Jeremiah 51: 1-64

Just as Babylon killed the people of Israel and others throughout the world, so must her people be killed (Jeremiah 51:49, NLT).

Who can understand the mind of God? That’s what I began to think as the prophecy of destruction unfolds for Babylon. On one hand God sent the Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem for its disobedience yet now He’s punishing them. We may not always understand what God is doing but we can rest assured that He is well aware of the plan from beginning to end. Something else that stood out regarding Babylon is that there is nowhere stated that they will be restored as Israel had been promised in previous chapters. If we’ve learned nothing else throughout reading Jeremiah we’ve most certainly learned that God will take care of those that belong to Him. God keeps taking me back to Jeremiah 29:11 because the plans that He has for us are always to work out for our good. Sometimes He has to allow bad things to happen so that we return to Him so receive all that He has for us which is the good. Oftentimes we don’t understand why God allows bad things to happen and then we get upset because He doesn’t punish the “bad people” as quickly as we would like or in the way that we would like. What a lot of people fail to realize is that vengeance is the Lord’s and that those who disobey Him will be judged in due time. Furthermore, we’re also reminded that He can use anyone that He wants to. God sent the Babylonians to destroy the town as a means of wiping out the sin and although the Babylonians weren’t perfect people by any means or even believers, God still used them for a purpose. We may not understand the direction that God takes or why He takes it, but what we do know is that in all that He does there is a purpose and we don’t have to have the answers we just need to trust Him.

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