Monday, December 8, 2014

God I'm Tired...

Sometimes you have those days where you just don't feel good. It's not just a matter of you not feeling well physically but you also feel spiritually empty and tired. Tired...almost like you have nothing left to give yet you know that you can't tap out. You try so hard to keep on going but you don't want to keep going on like this. Pretending. Hurting. Angry. Frustrated. Empty...

"You've brought me to the end of myself and this has been the longest road. Just when my hallelujah was tired, You gave me a new song."

You're tired. You're so tired of hitting that hard brick wall every single time that you try to go forward. You're tired of the setbacks, tired of the fall throughs, tired of trying and feeling like it's not good enough. You just want it to be different this time. You want to let go and fully let go this time yet it always seems to remain clenched so tightly in your hand. 

"Now I'm letting go. I'm letting go. I'm letting go. I'm falling in to You."

You feel as though you don't know where to go from here. You want it to be different this time but deep down inside you're scared that it will only remain the same. That little voice inside tells you that you won't come out of this, you will continue to stumble, it will only last a week or so and then you'll go back to the same old same old. Those lies begin to get LOUDER than the word of God that says otherwise. You feel defeated. You believed for a moment that it would be easier to give up than to get through this. You considered throwing in the towel but something inside of you tells that there's still something worth fighting for. Something has told you, maybe even faintly, that you can't give up. I know this because you chose to read this. 

"I confess I still get scared sometimes but perfect love comes rushing. And all the lies that screamed inside go silent the moment You begin."

I know that life can happen sometimes and the unexpectedness of it all can bring you to your knees. No matter how strong you are in your faith, you will face some days where the opportunity to give up will present itself in such a way that it almost convinces you that it would be easier than pushing forward. Can I be that soft whisper for you today? You can't give up friend and the reason you can't give up is because what is on the inside of you is worth fighting for. Please realize that if there was nothing in you or about you that was worth fighting for satan would not be working overtime to get you to break! He is fighting you so hard because he realizes that there is something so great on the inside of you that he does not want to come out.

"You remind me of things forgotten. You unwind me until I'm totally undone. And with Your arms around me fear was no match for Your love and now You've won me."

Can I remind you of something? Did you forget what 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 says? Well here’s a quick refresher: “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” Victory already belongs to you because of who you are in Christ. Have you forgotten this fact simply because you're facing things that are making you feel less than victorious right now? No one and nothing can take away the fact that you are victorious in Christ except for you. Don't you get it? Satan wants you to knock yourself out of a race that you've already won! He can't take victory from you because it's already yours through Christ Jesus, so instead he tries to get you to give it to him by giving up. Don't you dare give in and give up on what is rightfully yours.

While you are sitting here looking at the very things that are trying to take you out and thinking that it is so hard, the enemy is looking in the future and he is scared because he sees who God has predestined you to be! He sees you walking in boldness; he sees you whole in Christ; he sees the overcomer that was on the inside of you now walking boldly on the outside; he sees the less frustrated peaceful you; he sees the confident you; he sees the souled out for Christ you; he sees you walking in your anointing; he sees you impacting and changing people's lives; he sees you pleading the blood of Jesus and breaking generational curses; he sees the best part of you....that you can't even see in yourself right now and that's why he wants you to give up. Satan isn't attacking you because you're an easy target. He's not distracting you because he sees you don't have purpose or that you're going to be defeated. He's not fighting you because you're a lost cause. Quite the contrary! He knows that your current state is not your final destination. What he also knows is that if he can get you to believe the lies while you’re feeling defeated, feeling like you lack purpose, and feeling like a loss cause, that you will abandon the very thing that is on the inside of you. You will forfeit your purpose and Gods plans for your life. Satan wants you to focus on where you are and not where Gods will is for you to be. Don't allow your current circumstances and frustrations to lead you to make rash decisions that will impact your purpose and destination with God.

"If I lived a thousand lifetimes and wrote a song for everyday, still there would be no way to say how You have loved me."

You say “God I'm tired.” God says, My grace is sufficient for you. I will carry you through this. The enemy wants to steal what God has planted on the inside of you and the only way he can get it is if you give it to him. I hope and pray that you realize that even though you may feel tired, what is on the inside of you is still worth fighting for. 


  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can watch the Singles With Purpose Online Conference here
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, Changed Hearts: Real Talk and Q&A's on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
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Friday, October 31, 2014

God, Why Won't You Do This For Me?

Have you ever been in a place where you felt as though you were striving to live for God; you weren’t perfect, but you were really trying. You were seeking after God and you were intentional about doing things the right way. You were really trying, yet you had this issue…this thorn in your flesh as apostle Paul called his, this thing that you just couldn’t seem to shake and with a heavy heart and tears in your eyes you asked God, “Why won’t You take this from me?” “Why won’t You heal me?” “Why won’t You help me to overcome this?” “God, why won’t You do this for me?” The thing is, you’re not coming from a place of anger or even pride, but it’s from a place of brokenness in your heart. You think to yourself God I’m not upset with You, I promise I’m not angry with You. I believe You to be God and I know that You can do this…I just don’t understand why You won’t God. I don’t expect You to fix it just because I’m living for You but I have faith that You can God  and I just want to know that my faith isn’t in vain…God I trust You and I believe You to be who You say You are…God please take this from me… 

Have you ever been in that place? It might be hard to admit that you have been but there’s a beauty in being real and honest with God. In our honesty with God, He reveals Himself to us and answers our questions in ways that we likely did not expect. I had a moment today where I asked God why won’t You do this for me. Why does this have to be my issue? Why does this have to be my thorn in my flesh? God…why won’t You do this for me? His response was in the form of a question as well; am I not still God even if I don’t? If I don’t do this for you am I not still God? Sometimes in the midst of our hurt, pain, frustrations, and everything else that our little emotions like to pull on, we forget that the fact that God has not done it for us is not equivalent to Him not being able to. We know that He can do all things but that's not really the question at hand. The real question is what are you going to do if He doesn’t do it? How are you going to respond even if He does not move on your behalf during what you feel is your time of need? 

Let’s take a moment and look at apostle Paul as he talks about having a thorn in his flesh.

If I wanted to boast, I would be no fool in doing so, because I would be telling the truth. But I won’t do it, because I don’t want anyone to give me credit beyond what they can see in my life or hear in my message, even though I have received such wonderful revelations from God. So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud.Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:6-10, NLT).

Apostle Paul begged the Lord, he pleaded with the Lord, to take this thorn away from him. God, why won’t You do this for me? Every time His response to Paul was “My grace is sufficient for you.” Each time that Paul asked God to take it away I can imagine God saying Paul, don’t you understand? Do you not get it? My strength is made perfect in your weakness Paul. I see what you’re going through Paul. I feel what you’re going through Paul. I know you’re uncomfortable Paul. I know you don’t understand why you have go through this Paul. I know you want Me to take it away from you Paul. But I want you to know that My grace is all you need Paul. Now put your name everywhere that you see Paul’s name…

God is asking us do we really believe that His grace is sufficient? Do we really believe that it is still enough as we go before God asking Him why He won’t do this for us? God needs us to realize that it’s enough. It is more than enough. In the moments of weakness, it’s enough. In the moments of pain and discomfort, it’s enough. In the moments of frustration and uncertainty, it’s enough. It is enough; His grace is enough; God is more than enough. Trust me when I say I know it can be difficult to be in a place where you feel like you keep running into a brick wall as you keep dealing with the same issue that it seems like it just won't go away or get better. But are we responding as though we believe that God's grace is sufficient and that it is made perfect in weakness? Just as we have faith that God can change the situation or make it better, we must also have faith in His response that His grace is sufficient. We must really believe that it is enough...even for our issue. Until God gives us a different response we must learn to rest in the truth that His grace is all that we need.

As people who are self sufficient it can be difficult to be in a situation that you have no control over. It can be beyond frustrating to have to face a situation that you cannot fix or make right yourself. God says My grace is sufficient. He wants you to know that you don’t have to carry this weight by yourself. Stop holding on to it and all the mess and emotions that come with it. Give it to God today and tell Him whether He does this for you or not He is still God and you trust that His grace is more than enough. For when we are weak, then we are strong… 


  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can watch the Singles With Purpose Online Conference here
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, Changed Hearts: Real Talk and Q&A's on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
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Friday, October 24, 2014

Tips For The Single Season

As I stated during the Singles With Purpose online conference, I asked a couple of my fam in Christ if they could give singles some advice for their single season what would it be and this is the response that I got! This is the full list of responses that I got which is a little bit more than what I shared on during the conference. Hope this helps :) 

1. Refuse to play the comparison game. Stop looking at all the people your age and what they're doing, whether they are married or just got engaged. 

2. Take your eyes off people and fix your eyes of Christ.

3. Get involved in the Singles Ministry at your church. No Singles Ministry at your church, maybe God is calling you to start it.

4. Get busy for God. Stay Kingdom minded.

5. Don't waste this season, start that ministry God has pressed upon your heart, write that book, blog, go on that mission trip, etc. 

6. Realize that marriage is not a prerequisite for purpose or ministry. 

7. Make friends with other single Christians that live by Hebrews 10:24, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."

8. Be mindful of boundaries between women and men. Set boundaries.

9. Fully grasp that fulfillment and completeness is found in an intimate relationship with God not a man/woman. 

10. Say no to randoms. You know that man ain't your Boaz.

11. Don't settle. Wait on God's best for you.

12. Don't date just to date with no real purpose in mind. 

13. If they don't recognize your worth, chuck up them deuces.

14. Recognize that you have purpose no matter what your relationship status is. 

15. Spend crazy amounts of time with God. Get in His presence.

16. Go to a conference.

17. Don't be stagnant, make sure you are growing spiritually. 

18. See this season for what it truly is...a gift.

19. Read books on the single season. Ladies I strongly recommend you read Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones.

20. Do things that you wouldn't normally do like going to plays, ballets, etc. also 

21. Working out and eating right because not only will that keep you healthy, you'll be more effective for the kingdom and you'll become confident.

22. Learn how to say "no" to suitors that you just know aren't God's best for you. It may get tempting to go out with them because they're a christian but if you know they aren't it then don't waste time.

23. Ask yourself "then, what?" Or find the "then what" moments in your mind...ex:you work for a six pack then what? You have a great body then what? Basically looking at contentment and desires.
24. Daily challenge your definition of or redefine success/fulfillment by your own standard and GOD'S. (No one else)

25. Try something like going to movies or lunches alone.

26. Travel; be spontaneous, try the things you always wanted to try.

27. Be around married people to see what it's really like.

28.  Artistic expressions, reading- not just christian books but all types of books.

29. Find out what you like and don't like about yourself, about life, in others.

30. Take a cooking classes, finishing a degree or 2, start a business, take random classes at a local community college.

31. Run a marathon, join sports teams, get involved in other clubs or groups.

32. Get to know YOU. Fall in love with God and be selfish with your time. Do the things you've always wanted. Create a bucket list and knock those things down.

33. Seek God and get accountability.

34. Have date nights with Jesus and yourself. 

35.Learn a new skill, volunteer with your favorite charities/organizations.

36. Ask God to show you His purpose and focus on growing your gifts.

37. Be content with your portion, have an accountability/prayer partner.

38. Pray & study the Word intentionally & continuously.
39. Find other single friends to hang out with.

40. Loving yourself is a big one, everyone says that they love themselves, but I mean like really embracing who you are, to be happy with yourself & be you despite what people say! 
41. We all have a past & a lot of the singles haven't moved on from the past. It keeps us stuck, it didn't let us be who we're supposed to be, it makes the season we're in longer.
42. Not paying attention to society. Society says that men have no self control that they can't control their hormones! But that's not true! Guard your heart! Society says that women are emotional, I know that that's not true! All these things keep us from being happy and from experiencing real peace. 

Watch the full Singles With Purpose conference here!:

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge Recipe: Chicken & Shrimp Kabobs

With this recipe, I pretty much created it as I was going! FYI I don't do a very good job of using measurements when I create my own recipes; I just sprinkle as I go. Due to this I don't have actual measurements for the seasonings so for everything listed just moderately cover the meat and veggies with  your favorite spices and marinade!

  • Boneless skinless chicken tenderloins (you can also use regular chicken breasts, this what just what I had in the fridge!)
  • Green peppers
  • Red peppers
  • Yellow peppers
  • Orange peppers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Sweet onion
  • Zucchinni 
  • Squash
  • Lowry's Herb & Garlic Marinade
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Basil leaves
  • Oregano
  • Cayenne pepper (a very little bit)
  • Old bay seasoning (only on the shrimp)
  • Soul seasoning

Directions: Cut up all of your veggies into squares so that they will fit on the skewers. The shrimp don't have to be cut but the chicken should be cut into at least 3 pieces (4 for larger chicken breasts). Combine seasonings in a bowl with the Herb & Garlic marinade and let each veggie and the chicken and shrimp soak in the combination. Add the meat and veggies on to your skewers in whatever sequence that you like and then grill for 20 minutes. I use the Big Boss Grill, so be sure to set your time based on the heating of your grill settings You can also bake them in the oven as well! It tastes best if you allow the skewers to sit in the marinade for a few hours or overnight.

I paired it with rice with peas and carrots and steamables asparagus in Szechuan sauce.

Join the Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge for the month of October here!



  • Don't forget to register for the Changed Hearts: Singles With Purpose Online Conference here!
  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, Changed Hearts: Real Talk and Q&A's on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
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Changed Hearts: Healthy Living Challenge Recipe: Mason Jar Salads

The mason jar salad idea is super easy and convenient! Depending on what size salad you want, you can get bigger or smaller mason jars to fit your meal. I chose medium size jars because I eat my salads before I eat lunch or dinner so I don't need it to completely fill me up. If you're looking for something that's more fulfilling or all you plan on eating is the salad, you would definitely want to go for a larger jar!

Ingredients: (In order of how it was added in the jar)
  • Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing  
  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • blueberries
  • red peppers
  • yellow peppers
  • spinach and kale mix
  • walnuts
The most important thing to remember when doing a mason jar salad is to put your crunchy veggies in first that won't get soggy. The items that are more likely to get soggy should be the furthest away from your dressing. You may feel like you need to put a lot of dressing in to fill out the bottom of the mason jar but once you pour it out into a bowl you'll see that you really don't need a lot! You can always add meat to these, sliced eggs, and any other fruit! 

Join the Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge for the month of October here!


  • Don't forget to register for the Changed Hearts: Singles With Purpose Online Conference here!
  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, Changed Hearts: Real Talk and Q&A's on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
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Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge Recipe: Green Smoothie

If you're like me and you don't like coffee, this smoothie is a great alternative for caffeine that will give you the same energy boost! FYI it does look nasty but it does taste better than it will look.

  • 2 cups of almond milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange (I used a navel orange)
  • 1/2 cup raspberries (I used blueberries)
  • 5 strawberries 
  • 3 leaf fresh spinach (I used 2 handfuls of a mixture of spinach and kale)
  • 2 ice cubes
  • In addition to the above, I added a grannysmith  apple and flax seeds.
Directions: Wash your ingredients, cup them up and peel off the skin if needed, and blend away! It's easier to blend if you put the ice and any frozen fruit in first. 
Join the Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge for the month of October here!
  • Don't forget to register for the Changed Hearts: Singles With Purpose Online Conference here!
  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, and more on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
    • Email: 

Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge: Yogurt Chicken Recipe

 I got this recipe from the yummly app which I would highly recommend for great recipes! It's really tasty, super easy to make, and most importantly good for your body. I made a few adjustments to the recipe which I will list in parenthesis! 

  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (I used thin sliced boneless skinless chicken breasts)
  • 6 oz low-fat plain yogurt (I used Dannon Oikos non-fat greek yogurt in vanilla)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup dry bread crumbs (I used Japanese style panko seasoned bread crumbs by 4C)
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup butter (I did not use butter at all but the butter probably would help to keep the breading to stay on a little better for the side that is on the pan)
  • 1 tbs fresh parsley 
  • In addition to the above I added basil leaves, crushed rosemary, and pepper.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Place yogurt in a small bowl and stir until creamy smooth. Add lemon and stir together. (Note: if you do not stir the yogurt first, the lemon juice will make the yogurt curdle). In a separate shallow dish or bowl combine the crumbs, garlic powder, and salt to taste; mix together. 
  • In a 9/x13 inch baking dish place 1 scant pat of butter or margarine for each chicken breast. Rinse chicken breast and pat dry. Dip each breast in the lemon/yogurt mixture, then in the bread crumb mixture (coating completely but not heavily). 
  •  Place coated chicken in the baking dish and top each breast with a full pat of butter or margarine. Sprinkle with copped parsley and bake in the preheated over for 1 hours (with thin chicken breasts you can do ~40 minutes). Let cook for 5-10 minutes before serving. 

This is the finished product! I paired it with steamables corn and garlic roasted broccoli (just mix olive oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper as needed for taste, and toss the broccoli in the mixture then bake for 15 min on 375).

Join the Changed Hearts Healthy Living Challenge for the month of October here!


  • Don't forget to register for the Changed Hearts: Singles With Purpose Online Conference here!
  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, and more on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
    • Email: 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God, I'm Hurt...

Psalms 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved

I want to share a real moment with you…I ran home after work one day to cook dinner for myself. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I knew I needed to have quiet time but I figured I would eat first, calm down from work, and then afterwards I would have quiet time. So I go to get quiet before God and He tells me “I want you to fall apart.” Wait what…uhm, no thank You, I’ll pass. I want you to have a moment where you allow yourself to be broken before Me and confess to Me your heart and your hurts. So of course that knot comes tightening up in my throat and I take a long deep breath and before I can even say okay God, tears start flowing down my face. (Can I be honest? This is really difficult for me to write. People don’t understand that the message typically hits the messenger first so as I’m pouring out to others, I’m sharing it because God has already wrecked me with the very word He has given me to share with you).  So I put on some worship music, sit in a chair, and words don’t come out; just tears…and lots of them. At some point I moved from my chair to the floor balled up, no words, just tears. The beautiful thing about God is that He doesn’t need our words sometimes. We don’t have to say a thing because He knows us so intimately that He can understand what’s going on through our heart’s cry. Amazing right?! 

Psalms 116:1-2 I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.

Nonetheless, God still likes for us to confess sometimes out loud. Not just so that we acknowledge it but to allow freedom to come through as we speak the words that have held us hostage for so long. As the words come out of your mouth it’s almost like you can feel a snapping and breaking of the stronghold that the enemy was trying to use to break you down. So I get up and I feel God saying okay…are you ready to talk now? Lay it all out there. God I’m hurt. I’m hurt. I am hurt…and it is difficult for me to admit that. I’ve been dealing with a particular situation for quite some time now and I said “it just is what it is.” The relationship with a family member will likely never change and I would be completely okay if we went our separate ways and never dealt with each other ever again. God I feel like that would be easier than trying to make something work that just isn’t working. That was what I had been saying for the last couple of months. As I sat in my chair I told God the truth. God I’m hurt that this person just doesn’t seem to get it. I don’t get why they wouldn’t have included me. Maybe he’s doing the best that he can but it’s not good enough. I want to have a relationship with him, but I don’t want to put myself out there again only for him to drop the ball again and I’m left feeling stupid. I don’t want to try and put in effort and he falls short or doesn’t try at all and I feel so stupid for putting myself out there only to be let down again. God, what if nothing changes? God I’m guarded because I don’t want to feel rejected once again by the same person.  

The thing about operating in hurt is that you have a tendency to hurt others. Sometimes it’s intentionally and other times it’s simply a part of your defense mechanism. You want to protect yourself from further hurt so you ignore phone calls, you don’t respond at all or when you do it’s with short responses, and before you know it your heart becomes hardened not just towards them but towards others…but the real issue is that we fail to realize that when our heart is hardened towards people it’s also hardened towards God. We don’t realize how we take our hurt that people have caused out on God. He sweetly showed me that Angel, you can’t continue to operate in hurt. Do you really think you can continue life shut off towards this person and think that it’s not going effect your relationship with Me? A hardened heart towards people will very quickly pore over into a hardened heart towards God. God showed me something that made reflect on my heart towards Him. This simple question, do you not think that I can heal your hurt? Even if you try again and that person fails you again, do you not think that I can heal your hurt? You have to take down the rabid Rottweiler’s and pit bulls that are guarding your heart from hurt with an electric fence. While you’re not letting people in, you’re also not letting God in. You’re operating in hurt. Even when you’re upset, frustrated, and hurt, God can see behind all of that; He sees the truth. When everyone else may see that you’re hurt, God sees the core of your hurt and what is fueling it.
If I can be really honest…there was a point maybe a year or so ago where I felt like something was wrong with me because I had not met my Adam. Yes, this was around the time that I was slightly obsessing over marriage….just a little bit. In my moment of hurt God showed me how I felt like this person was robbing me of something that I felt like every girl should have. He showed me how I had said in the past that I didn’t need this person to be a part of my wedding day. In my moment of admitting my hurt, God showed me that I really wanted him to be there. There wasn’t something “wrong” with me…but deep in my heart I really wanted him to be present and God was giving me an opportunity to mend that relationship so that he could be but it was going to be up to me to take the steps to mend it. It was going to be up to me to not focus on trusting this person with my heart but for me to truly trust God with my heart. You see, God needed me to fall apart to say not just to Him but also to myself, God I trust You with my broken pieces. I trust You to completely be broken before You because I know that You won’t leave me, disappoint me, reject me, or let me down like people have. I trust that for my good, I need to put myself out there to mend this relationship and even if the person rejects it or falls short, I trust that You will and You can pull me back together God. I trust that I will be okay in Your hands. 

 Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

                Now I want to be clear, I’m not saying that God wants you to try to make every single relationship that has fallen apart work. Some doors are meant to be closed and should never be reopened. But this is my story and God has led me to move beyond hurt and operate not just in love but in trust in Him. I want to encourage you to let go of your hurt. Stop operating in hurt and trust God to heal you of your hurt no matter how deep it runs. Whether He leads you to reconcile with someone who has hurt you or to walk away, trust Him with that. Trust that He is not going to lead you anywhere that is going to lead to further hurt. You can trust Him with your heart. So take a moment and fall apart before Him and share with Him you hearts cry. 

Hebrews 13:5: "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
From my heart to yours, 


  • Don't forget to check out the Changed Hearts website 
  • You can find all of the monthly teachings, vlogs, Changed Hearts: Real Talk and Q&A's on my YouTube channel:
  • Contact: 
    • Facebook: Angel Walston
    • Twitter: @AngelCheron
    • Instagram: @angel_cheron 
    • Email: