Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jeremiah 15

Day 16: Jeremiah 15: 1-21

If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy not worthless, words, you will be My spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. (Jeremiah 15:19, NIV).

There are a couple of important lessons that we learn from Jeremiah in this chapter. The first being that as we are the mouthpiece for God we must be sure that we are influencing the people to turn to God and not allowing the people to turn us away from God. Jeremiah got upset and pretty much tells God I’m doing what You wanted me to do so why am I suffering? What I love about this chapter is that we get to see the contrast of how God responds to Jeremiah, the one who obeyed, in comparison to Jerusalem, those who rebelled, who was also crying out to God. God would have had every right to get angry with Jeremiah and ask him why he didn’t trust Him and where was his faith in Him but instead He lovingly responded by telling him to repent and that He would restore him. God understood Jeremiah’s heart and knew that it was coming from a place of sincerity but he still needed to be corrected because his focus had shifted from the purpose that God called him to do to being on what he was feeling and his own frustrations. The second lesson we learn is no matter how close we are to God we are never to close to Him that we don’t need to repent. God had to correct Jeremiah even though he was His mouthpiece to prophesy to Judah. Even as we grow in God we must be sure to keep our hearts softened towards Him so that we may be open to rebuke and so that we do not become stubborn and end up rebelling against God as Judah did. Finally we must trust God even when life tries to convince us that we should not. God had already told Jeremiah that in him sharing what He told him to speak, the people would fight against him. He also reminded him that they would not overtake him because He would be with him. Just as God told this to Jeremiah in chapter one, He had to remind him of this again when Jeremiah began to get frustrated and afraid. Remind yourself of God’s word and His promises when your faith begins to get weary. Although our feelings and emotions change, God’s word remains the same and that is a fact that we can trust wholeheartedly.
What verse spoke to you the most from this chapter? Be sure to share it to encourage someone else! Tag me so that I can share it as well (IG: @angel_cheron. Twitter: @angelcheron. Facebook: Angel Cheron and add #ChangedHearts #Jeremiah)

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