Thursday, April 10, 2014

Jeremiah 9

Day 10: Jeremiah 9:1-25

But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord
, have spoken! (Jeremiah 9: 24, NLT)

               How’s your heart these days? People make the mistake of neglecting the importance of the heart and how it impacts all that they do. We must understand that just as the heart is a vital organ in the natural sense, it is also a vital organ in the spiritual sense. God says that He is going to punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit and what he is referring to is those whose hearts have not been circumcised (v. 25). The people were giving the outward appearance of being God’s people (circumcised in body) yet there was no sign of an inward relationship (circumcised in spirit/heart) which was displayed through their disobedience. No matter what they portrayed on the outside that was visible for people to see, God could see past all of that and He looking at their heart that was completely hardened towards Him and stubborn. It doesn’t matter what we may portray to people because God can see through all of that. He sees through the amen’s, the social media posts that say oh how I love Jesus, and all the outward signs. When He sees through to your heart, what is He seeing?  

               It’s so important that we do constant heart checks and that we ask God to search our hearts and show us the things that don’t please Him. What is equally important is that we act on what He shows us! As I read through these chapters of Jeremiah I think man how many times does God have to tell these people that He is going to punish them for their sin before they get it? He’s literally laid it all out for them by telling them the problem (their sin), the consequences (His wrath), and the solution (repent and turn back to Him) yet they continue to ignore Him. When our heart is hardened towards God, we are more likely to rebel against Him and ignore His warnings. Take some time today to ask God to shape your heart to look like His and to soften it for His word to convict and lead to change. 

What verse spoke to you the most from this chapter? Be sure to share it to encourage someone else! Tag me so that I can share it as well (IG: @angel_cheron. Twitter: @angelcheron. Facebook: Angel Cheron and add #ChangedHearts #Jeremiah)

**Please note Changed Hearts: Matters of the Heart date was changed from April 5, 2014 to April 19, 2014 @ 10:00 a.m.** Changed Hearts: I AM Woman: Woman 2 Woman will still be April 12, 2014 @ 10:00 a.m.!

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